Coaching Services

Personal and Professional Development Coaching

If psychotherapy is not what you are seeking however need assistance and guidance to accomplish your personal and professional goals, we would be happy to provide coaching services for your specific goals. 

We provide coaching for:

  • Life- Work/life balance, transitioning from military to civilian life, major life adjustments, burnout, and compassion fatigue
  • Professional Development- Changing careers, enhancing a current career in the mental health profession
  • Co-parent & single parent coaching
  • Single Session Stress Reduction Coaching
  • Values Alignment: Identity which work-related values make you feel most energized, happy, and fulfilled. Then you will develop a strategy to realign your values with your goals and work environment.
  • Goal Setting: Set clear and actionable goals that leave you feeling motivated.
  • Overcoming self-induced obstacles: Build confidence and improve self-talk. Plenty of people discuss self-doubt with their coach and explore ways to improve.

Rates for Coaching

  • $150- 60-minute session (not covered by insurance)

Agency Coaching

We, as your company coach, assist in finding ways for you and your staff to become more effective at their job to not only benefit them personally and professionally but also enhance your organization as well. We will help you develop an action plan to find balance in all areas, including work and home life, routine and creative time. We will help you think through how to manage and eliminate work-related stress and find your balance between motivating stress and toxic stress. Identify and overcome the challenges that cause or increase non-productive work-related stress.

Common agency coaching goals:

  • Forming healthy habits and Routines
  • Time Management & Focus
  • Staying Motivated
  • Become More Proactive
  • Manage Conflict
  • Consistency of Behavior
  • Increase Credibility
  • Self-Awareness
  • Accountability
  • Team Effectiveness

     Rate  $225- Single session coaching.  Packets are available

Call us TODAY to schedule a consultation call to discover how WE CAN best serve YOU!